Monday, June 16, 2008

Making Science More Better For You on 06/16/08

Headlines of the day
Police investigate wife for five dead husbands (CNN)

Nobody likes a showoff.

Dinosaur mummy holds many secrets (CNN)
Oh yeah? Who shot JFK, mr. know-it-all dinosaur?

International relations
Yesterday's football dust up between the Czechs and the Turks reminded us once again why soccer is more like adult dating and american football is more like teen dating. When it comes to adult dating, people don't score as often, but when they do they tend to get really excited. They might even burn down an embassy or two.

A political interlude: "Great job Brownie"
Are we the only ones who find it a bit odd that several cities in the heartland are under water and no one is asking why the President hasn't cut his farewell tour of the continent short?

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